Open Access Fibre Network

Nelson Mandela’s timeless message of love, compassion, and unity was beautifully celebrated as two of our Octotel teams from Cape Town and Garden Route District joined forces to celebrate Mandela Day with heartwarming initiatives that left a lasting impact on the communities in Wellington and Plettenberg Bay.

Undeterred by the rain, our Cape Town team demonstrated an unwavering dedication to spreading kindness and making a positive impact in Wellington. In collaboration with esteemed partners RSAWEB and SmartSwitch, the teams prepared and distributed 350 sandwiches to those in need. The initiative showcased the power of unity and collective action, proving that even in adverse weather, hearts can be warmed, and spirits can be uplifted.

Octotel with ISP partners, RSAWEB & SmartSwitch with the Wellington NGO handing out sandwiches for Mandela Day.

“Mandela Day is a reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can create a ripple effect of positivity,” said our Octotel Marketing Team Lead, Justin Wilson. “By collaborating with RSAWEB and Smartswitch, we were able to channel our efforts into a meaningful cause and make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. Seeing the smiles on the faces of those we helped has been incredibly rewarding.”

In a separate endeavor, our Octotel Garden Route District team together with our ISP partner, ComX Networks, dedicated their 67 minutes of service to support Native Roots Community Development in Plettenberg Bay. Native Roots, a nonprofit organization, works tirelessly to provide meals for the homeless. The Garden Route team’s involvement brought fresh produce and a sense of dignity to those in need, enriching the community and fostering hope.

Octotel Garden Route District team together with ISP partner ComX Networks, spreading love to the Plett community

“We are humbled and grateful for the support from the Octotel Garden Route District team. Their commitment to our cause and the respect with which they approached their involvement made a significant impact on our organization and the individuals we serve.” said Mary Anne Cunningham from Native Roots Community Development.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all volunteers and partners who contributed to the success of these initiatives. Your dedication and enthusiasm have inspired hope and love throughout the communities of Wellington and Plettenberg Bay.

We would like to implore other corporate organizations to join the movement, spread the love, and be the change because that is HOW WE CONNECT.

Octotel team helping make vegetable soup for the Native Roots Community Development
Octotel & RSAWEB staff preparing 350 sandwhiches for the Wellington community